Nesbitt condemns taxpayer funding of Gotion, continued corporate handouts

Nesbitt condemns taxpayer funding of Gotion, continued corporate handouts

LANSING, Mich. — Senate Republican Leader Aric Nesbitt, R-Porter Township, on Thursday issued the following statement condemning the Senate Appropriations Committee’s approval of state funding for Gotion’s battery plant near Big Rapids:

“Once again the new Democratic majority is putting big corporations over struggling families by squandering our state’s historic budget surplus on bad business deals. These tax dollars should be going back into the pockets of the hardworking Michigan taxpayers who need economic relief, not to global corporations in secret back-room crony business deals.

“This appropriation is one more giant step in moving Michigan back to the Lost Decade of failed economic policies, high unemployment, declining household incomes and annual budget problems. These kinds of ill-advised economic incentive deals have failed time and time again. At a time when our state is struggling with one of the slowest economic recoveries in the nation, the people of Michigan cannot afford to repeat history.”


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