Nesbitt praises Michigan March for Life: ‘There are still voices speaking out on behalf of the most vulnerable’

Nesbitt praises Michigan March for Life: ‘There are still voices speaking out on behalf of the most vulnerable’

LANSING, Mich. — Senate Republican Leader Aric Nesbitt, R-Porter Township, on Wednesday released the following statement applauding Michigan March for Life participants for their advocacy on behalf of human dignity, women and the unborn:

“The Michigan March for Life is a wonderful public reminder that there are still voices speaking out on behalf of the most vulnerable and voiceless Michiganders babies in their mother’s wombs. This event is especially encouraging to those of us working inside the state Capitol to uphold the dignity of human life and defend commonsense and popular laws designed to protect women and the unborn, such as protecting babies with Down syndrome, strengthening penalties against coercion, requiring parental consent for minors, improving adoption services and funding safe housing, and prenatal care and other pregnancy resources for women in need.

“Democrats have used their slim majority as a weapon to strong-arm some of the most extreme pro-abortion bills ever dreamed up into law — going even as far as to strike down requirements for basic licensing and sanitary conditions at clinics. We don’t believe radical on-demand abortion access for any reason is what Michigan voters signed up for one year ago and will do all we can to fight against extremist abortion activists and hold those who advocated for Proposal 3 at their word.”



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